Youth With A Mission


Dobro Došli!

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) carries at its heart knowing God and making God known, with a desire for people to experience his love.

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35 (NLT)

About Us

We are a community of Christians from various countries, living in Užice and Kragujevac in Serbia. Our vision is to see Serbia thrive and prosper and for people to be filled with passion, hope and love, which we believe comes from God.

Community is so important to who we are – the common ground that holds our community together is our love and passion for God, which drives all that we do. Practically, this is outworked by coming together to pray and worship, eating meals together, inviting people in, and focusing on and committed to knowing God and making Him known. Interested? Come and join us! We know that you can thrive here as part of our community. Click here to get involved…


The Journey DTS is a 6-month adventure across Central Europe. Our lecture phase will begin in Budapest, Hungary, move on to Serbia, and finish on the coast of the Black Sea in Constanta, Romania.

Click here to apply


Cafe/Youth Ministry

We love all things coffee, from making it, to serving it, to talking about it, to tasting it! Coffee is a big part of the culture here and we plan to open a coffee house in Užice, mid 2020. Engaging with the young people as to where they are at with God and seeing their lives transformed as they realize the love He has for them. They are the future!

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Mercy Ministry

Meeting the practical needs of the people we interact with, seeking people out and serving them. We want to be known as an organization people can turn to for help, without questions or judgement.

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The bottom line is that we love the city and the people of the city of Užice! Our heart is to love on and serve them in any way we can!

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